The Most Powerful, Flexible Documentation Tool Ever.
Dexy is deceptively simple, letting you get started in minutes, but powerful enough to accommodate even the most sophisticated user.
Dexy is deceptively simple, letting you get started in minutes, but powerful enough to accommodate even the most sophisticated user.
Click here to browse the source, or just pip install dexy.
Dexy helps your code to speak for itself. Show off your code with beautiful syntax highlighting. Write examples and Dexy will run them, inserting the output into any document you wish. Everything is based on live code, so updating is easy, syntax errors blow up on you, not your users, and typos are a thing of the past. With Dexy's smart caching, your code is only executed when it needs updating, saving you time while keeping your documents robust.
Language-specific documentation tools make it impossible for you to document all of your project on equal terms. With Dexy, you can document your whole project with one tool, while still taking advantage of each language's special features. Even if you do write in just one language, Dexy will help you show it off like never before. If you have invented a new language, congratulations! Dexy can support it in minutes.
Unlike some other documentation tools, Dexy doesn't care how you organize your project. Choose from a wide range of document formats, and use any markup language you want. Mix and match as much as you like in any project. You can use Dexy to create books, websites, blog posts, or all of these at once.
Dexy's filters do things like run your code and make it pretty, but they can also do just about anything else, like post your docs to a blog or a wiki, or fetch data from an API.